Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Research Process

Bouma, G.D and Ling, R. (2004). The Research Process (5th Ed.), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK

p.5 discusses research as 'a way of knowing'

p.8 Outlines the research process in three steps:

  1. Essential first steps
  2. Data collection
  3. Analysis and interpretation

Phase 1: essential first steps p.9

  1. Select, narrow, and formulate the question to be studied
  2. Select research design
  3. Design and devise measures for variables
  4. Set up tables for analysis
  5. Select a sample

Theory and Data p.18

Theory - a guess about the way things are (p.19)

Data - facts produced by research (p. 20)

(NOTE: I find the presentation quite 'quantitative' in nature (even though a qualitative example is used).

Selecting a research design (Ch 6 pp. 86-111)


  • Case study
  • longitudinal study
  • comparison study
  • longitudinal comparison study
  • experiment

Case study (p.89)

Can answer the question "what is going on"? (or "what is happening"? P. 109). Focus on a single case or entity (such as a group).

Chapter 10: Doing Qualitative Research pp. 165-187)

p. 167 "provides impressions and feelings about a particular situation".

Data collection (pp. 172 - 181)

  • observation
  • Data recording
  • In-depth interviewing
  • Life narratives
  • Focus groups
  • Textual material

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